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Movie Business | Hollywood

ARRI ALEXA Movie Cameras

Image IZ Everything is a big fan of the ARRI Group ALEXA Movie Cameras. We were introduced to the ALEXA / Arriflex Movie Cameras by our Movie Director Clients. Several of our Movie Business Clients use ALEXA Cameras in their Film Projects. The Hollywood Hit Movie “Drive” was Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and shot with ALEXA cameras by Newton Thomas Sigel.

When our Clients use Superior Products to produce their content, it makes it easier for us to develop Superior websites using said content. Afterall, “On the Runway of Life, Your Image IZ Everything”.

Throughout its 90-year history, ARRI has been associated with constant innovation and revolutionary technologies in all of its core businesses. The company is involved in all aspects of the film industry: engineering, design, manufacture, production, visual effects, postproduction, equipment rental, laboratory services and studio lighting solutions.

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